Minutes of the #AGPS chat, Thursday the 1st of July Particited actively: Scarfman, MadsBahrt and Nallic. It was agreed that minutes should be made at every meeting. Mads B. can be reached at madsb@odense.kollegienet.dk Per H. (nallic) can be reached at per@nitro.dk It was agreed on, that the first version will probably be A92X specific and use low level access to buttons and graphics. license specification of 'JSR 179' (Standard J2ME gps api) can be found at : http://www.forum.nokia.com/main/1,,1_0_10,00.html#jsr179 It seems that its not legal directly to implement the subset of the API. And the whole API is very bloated for our need. MadsBahrt will look further into it, and se if there is a way to do it anyhow. Since this is the api all future GPS phones is expected to use we still se it as an important API, but it was agreed that it would be quite easy just to change the GPS thread for any API if it was needed later. Getting an app for the A92X has higher priority right now. Maybe a subset should be made, that uses another scope, thereby not being JSR179, but a recompile would make it compatible. The next meetings will be held at 21:30 GMT instead. There was a discussion about how a shared drawing system could come in use. But nothing was concluded other than NAT being something evil. Mads drawed an UML diagram of how the program could be structured, se it here [somewhere.com] Every screen presented to the user, has an handler class, that in turn have an GUI class. MB suggests using an Model-View Control architechture to seperate usage flow from the problem related code, by implementing listeners for user actions that manipulates the controller. Any platfor specifics should be shielded by adaptors. Storage of waypoints, routes and so on, should be shielded by an abstract model, that implements device specific features such as different communication methods to the outside world, and local storage. Scarfman suggests sounds could be implemented, maybe only in later versions.