RoamingEye Meeting Minutes
Wednesday 14/5/04 @ 21:30 GMT,
RoamingEye Founder: Scarfman007 (Scarfman007)
RoamingEye Developer: Nallic
RoamingEye Developer: MadsBahrt
RoamingEye Developer: nurmi
RoamingEye Contributor: sgt_backfire
RoamingEye Contributor: frobbe
Present: S007 (taking minutes), NA, MB, FR, SGT.
Apologies: None.
Minutes: These are the first minutes.
- NA (Nallic on Aussie3g) - civil engineering student, Denmark;
software (C and Java) & hardware (utilise GPS later); reading 'Symbian OS C++
for Mobile Phones' - Symbian Press.
- NU (holzwurm_nurmi on - C++ programmer, Austria; software
(C++) & hardware (GPS and microcontroller experiance).
- S007 (Scarfman007 on Aussie3g) - just completed Computer Science
degree, UK; software (C++, Java, functional); reading too much! 'Symbian OS
C++ for Mobile Phones' - Symbian Press.
- MB (Mads_Bahrt on Aussie3g) - software engineering student,
Denmark; software (Java); reading 'Wireless java for symbian devices' -
Symbian press.
- FR (???) - student, ???; following project to get to grips with
- SGT (???) - small computer business owner, Finland; moderate
technical experience, looking to contribute to open-source.
RoamingEye Founder's Report
- AS - S007 lost source for previous app in reformat, has reconstructed
some, will post source at
Yahoo! A920 GPS group as an example of how not to do things in the hope
that the group can learn design issues from it.
General discussions
- Tentative agreement to use Dia
for drawing any UML.
- MB and S007 discuss means to transfer data to / from the phone. J2ME is
limited - will have to use HTTP.
- MB and S007 are not sure about what we have actually agreed upon (hence
this document and UML).
- MB suggests a 'killer app' in future may be to warn of speed traps -
possibly as a separate program built on basis of this project.
Phone Application
- AM/L - MB to look into implementing an adapter API, making the Motorola
location API conform to the "official" JSR 179 location api, will contact Sun
re: the legality of this.
- User Interface (UI) design should be similar to that of the Garmin GPS
receovers. 'A GPS
User Manual: Working with Garmin Receivers' will be used as a reference.
- AS - S007 will draw up outline UML diagram of agreed program structure.
Phone Application - First release
- Agreed to aim low.
- Modular design - can each work on a separate feature.
- Emulate basic features of the Garmin GPS receivers:
- Continuous updates.
- Logging (record user position every x seconds - use this to determine
heading and speed also).
- Ability to define a route as a series of waypoints - unit will give
textual description of direction and distance to next waypoint. Upon
reaching one waypoint the next will become the target.
- Mainly text based.
- 3 threads in program:
- User Interface - handled by separate UI thread that will take care of
rendering each screen (using low-level APIs) for the device and mapping
hardware keys to certain functions. A different UI thread for each phone
that is supported.
- GPS Poll thread - notify all GPS listeners when new data is available.
- Event thread - runs handlers that perform calculations / operations when
new GPS data is available, or when user performs action in UI.
- AS - Discuss again - possibly leave in blank placement screens for
functionality not yet implemented (no one replied to this suggestion by NA)?
Phone Application - Future releases
- Plot 2D - current route and waypoints.
Action Items pending completion
None - this is the first meeting.
NEXT ROAMINGEYE MEETING: Not decided - stay tuned to the forums!