RoamingEye Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 14/5/04 @ 21:30 GMT,

RoamingEye Founder: Scarfman007 (Scarfman007)
RoamingEye Developer: Nallic
RoamingEye Developer: MadsBahrt
RoamingEye Developer: nurmi
RoamingEye Contributor: sgt_backfire
RoamingEye Contributor: frobbe

Present: S007 (taking minutes), NA, MB, FR, SGT.

Apologies: None.

Minutes: These are the first minutes.



RoamingEye Founder's Report


General discussions


Phone Application

Phone Application - First release


Phone Application - Future releases


Action Items pending completion

None - this is the first meeting.

NEXT ROAMINGEYE MEETING: Not decided - stay tuned to the forums!